Explore Magazine

From print features (Born to be Wild: Spring 2024, Baby Bellies and Backpacks: Fall 2021) to how to figure out what wildlife has been on the trail ahead of you, tips on finding water in the winter and the benefits of spending time in nature, take a dive into the many pieces I've contributed to Explore right here!



Why do wild bees matter to your outdoor experiences?

Read all about bees beyond honey bees here!

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Gardener's Path

Find articles on plant pest management and gardening here, including how to identify and deal with thrips, earwigs (eww) and birds on blueberries, the magic of periodical cicadas, and how to grow a huge variety of plants and flowers, such as prairie onion, chocolate mint and mock orange.

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Toronto Star

In Belize, I found an ecotourist’s paradise, with a spectacular tapestry of landscapes and close encounters with the wild.


BC Outdoors Magazine

Read articles on hunting and foraging topics, including tasty treats you can find out there, the story of a frozen footed hunt, and ways to spice up Thanksgiving dinner with wild eats!

Grower Talks

As a guest columnist, rotational columnist and feature contributor, I wrote words for the horticulture industry on sweet science, disease identification, public knowledge about biological control (including using wasps), having six legs at a career fair, the value of teamwork and beyond.

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Pilgrim Magazine

I was once afraid of honey bees, now I keep them. Read the story of how that shifted into being addicted to their smells, feel and sounds below!

Captive: From Beekeepers Daughter to Bee-Fevered Woman


American Bee Journal

I've covered a variety of topics for ABJ, including how bees navigate, why honey is useful in hospitals, roadtripping bees and other stories.

Please contact me for clips.


Hobby Farms' Beekeeping 101

Beekeepers must be ready to battle some nasty beasts in the quest to keep their bees happy and strong.

Keep a Healthy Hive

Available in print only


Volunteer Work

Volunteering for Bees Abroad--a charity dedicated to relieving poverty through beekeeping--has opened up a whole new world for me, where beekeeping can save and change lives.

Bright Future with Bees in BeesCene Magazine and on the Bees Abroad website

Improved Pollination Enhancing Ugandan Lives in BeeCraft Magazine

The Baraka Beekeepers of Uasin Gishu in BBKA

Adding Value to Bee Products in Uganda in The Scottish Beekeeper

Adding Value in BeeCraft Magazine

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